Goward House
Home Away From Home
Show and Sale
Dec 3 2024 – Jan 29 2025; Artist’s Reception: Sun Dec 2nd 1:30 to 3:30
Viewing M-F 9:30-3:30; Goward House is closed all statutory holidays

The Studio of Harmonious Endeavours
“First learn from the masters then find your own style.”
The Artists

The Artist’s Work
After teaching secondary school Fine Arts for many years, it was exciting for me to explore a different field of art…. Chinese Brush Painting. Its history and styles opened up a whole new experience.The direct quality of the brushwork, the use of unique papers and the intricacies of mounting the finished paintings are all interesting challenges to complete a painting.I am fortunate to have studied with inspiring teachers: Nenagh Molson and John Nip.
It is a privilege to share the enthusiasm for Chinese Brush Painting with the members of the two clubs to which I belong: Goward House (Studio of Harmonious Endeavours) and Monterey Recreation Centre (Studio for Perseverance in Study)
The Artist’s Work
I was born in Victoria and educated in Victoria and Vancouver but lived “away” for almost forty years before returning home to retire.
Before retiring I studied drawing with Michael Cavanaugh and Elizabeth Spragg and print making with Vesa Peltonen.
After returning to Victoria I was able to study Chinese Brush painting with Nenagh Molson, John Nip and Andy Lou.
They taught me the variety that can be achieved with simple materials, the challenge of working in a medium that allows no correction and the satisfaction that comes when ideas and reality meet.
The Artist’s Work
An introductory class in Chinese Brush Painting 12 years ago led to complete captivation with this art form. I am drawn to the simplicity of materials, the fascination of centuries-old techniques, and the amazing effects that can be achieved with a few brushstrokes. My current favorite subjects include such traditions as tiger, bamboo, pine, horses and figures. Weekly sessions with the Studio of Harmonious Endeavours offer much-needed opportunities for both inspiration and perspiration! I blog about my brush painting experiences at: www.followmybrushmarks.wordpress.com
The Artist’s Work
I have been studying Chinese Brush Painting for many years now. I appreciate the coaching that I have received from my teachers, Nenagh Molson, and the late John Nip. They have very different styles which has helped me with an overview of this art form. We use traditional paints and mulberry paper from China, and rather than framing in the Western style, we use the traditional Chinese method of gluing the artwork onto another sheet of mulberry paper, using the traditional Chinese Mounting Glue. Painting in the Chinese style can be very meditative and enjoyable. I am grateful to Goward House for providing a location where I can meet and paint with other artists.
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