Goward House
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About Activities
The following is a list of typical activities offered at Goward House. Consult the current NEWSLETTER for up-to-date information.
Portrait Painters (One 3 hour session per week)
Drop-In Art (One sessions of 3 hours per week)
Chinese Brush Painters (One 3 hour session per week)
Book Club
This group meets once a month. Join anytime!
Bridge is one of the most popular activities at Goward House. Whether bridge is your passion or you have never played before, there is a place for you in one of our groups; please inquire with the front desk volunteer. There are also private tables for two or four persons, or you may prefer to set up your own bridge group. There are typically four bridge groups open to members:
Duplicate Bridge
Mixed Sun Room Bridge
Drop-In Bridgepace
Craft and Knitting Group
Members of this group meet weekly to share patterns and ideas, and enjoy each other’s company, and they are important contributors to the Goward House Annual Christmas Craft Fair.
Fitness Classes
There are several exercise classes to choose from, promoting full functional fitness including balance, strength, flexibility, and core muscles. You can participate in one or all in a relaxed and fun environment.
Easy Aerobics
This action-packed class covers it all! An easy aerobic and free moving work out for those wanting to move forward, backwards and side – to – side. Exercises include the use of light weights and gentle stretching. A complete work out that will have you feeling great.
Gentle Yoga
This class accommodates all levels of ability. You will leave the class feeling stretched, centered and re-energized.
Strength and Balance
Stretching, exercising with balls and hand weights (supplied), and repetitive moves to sharpen the mind. Much of this is done while seated and is followed by a brief meditation.
Self-organized and self-directed, this advanced level group meet weekly at Goward House to study, read and converse in French. S
Goward House Singers
About 25 people meet weekly to sing songs that appeal to Seniors. They like to sing in harmony and perform throughout the year at Seniors’ Residences and Nursing Homes. New members are always welcome.
iPad Club
An experienced iPad instructor walks you through all the functions of the iPad with plenty of time to practice on your own with help right there as you need it.
Line Dancing
Come and touch, tap, hook, scuff and stomp your way to fitness. Line dancing is a fun way to exercise as well as meet others who share the enjoyment of moving to music. First-timer? No problem. Come and give these once weekly sessions a try.
Mah Jong Club
The Mah Jong group has been active for over 10 years and currently has about a dozen members. New members are welcome to give Mah Jong a try. If you can play gin rummy, you can play mah jong – and leave the counting to experienced players. You don’t play with partners, so no recriminations. We have tea at half-time and lively conversations. Half the time we don’t add up the score – – it’s the joy of playing that counts!
Join this mindfulness group on Mondays where you will learn how to train your attention and awareness to achieve a calm and stable state.
Money Matters
This activity is an informal gathering share ideas about the economy, investing and taxation along with coffee and lots of fun. Financial Advisor Pam Katunar hosts the group which is open to the public and free of charge. Once monthly sessions.
Paper Quilling
Discover the deep satisfaction of quilling. Create quilled cards for friends and family that will undoubtedly be framed and cherished by the recipients. Learn the art and craft of creating your own designs with curled strips of coloured paper. But BEWARE: quilling can be addictive!
This self-directed, advanced conversation group meet weekly to read and converse in Spanish in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. They are always looking for new members who have a working knowledge of the Preterite and Imperfect, and have some notion of the use of the Subjunctive.
Level 1 (beginners) and Level 2 (intermediate) instructional classes are currently on hiatus.
Tai Chi
Learn Tai Chi under the patient and skilled tutelage of Advanced Instructor Gordon Muir. Gordon has extensive knowledge of Tai Chi acquired from years of study under Chinese Masters. No previous experience is necessary. Practice this ancient art to better your health and have fun at the same time.